God reached out in love to the world at Christmas. It would be good if we could learn to connect with people in a similar fashion. That's what this Advent series is all about - extending a Christlike "touch" so this holiday season others can experience Christ anew. This series lays out a course of action that will enhance your holiday experience through looking at six characters in the Christmas story. They will teach you how to make meaningful connections with God and others though December.

Friends and Strangers chronicles the beginning of the journey into self-knowledge, a painful odyssey particular to the work of the middle years. This narrative focuses on the ages from 38-45. Each of us has hidden areas, lies we tell to ourselves that we don’t know we are telling. The work of the Holy Spirit is to continually bring us into truth. In this book I begin to look at truth through encounters with strangers, people I meet along the way, brought to me by God, who have rich gifts to give that shake my smug thinking. I am convinced that no encounter is casual, as each has the potential to move the ground beneath our feet, which is never as solid as we like to think.