Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Prayers That Make an Extraordinary Difference

I am in one of those spiritual seasons where I find that I’m experiencing an unusual amount of activity in having prayers answered. That being so, I thought I would take this week and examine which prayers seem to be more effective as best as I can tell.
What comes to mind right away is what I have labeled the “first-thoughts prayers.” Having an active mind (my husband came to bed last night, creeping quietly into the room so as not to wake me, slipping between the covers carefully—at which point I surprised him by shouting “Boo!”), I rarely wake feeling groggy. The plans and activities of the day flood me. “What mountain are you scheming to climb now?” he asked, after we both laughed at my sleeping ruse. “The Himalayas?”
So I have imposed upon myself of turning my mind to God first thing, and no matter what time I wake, spending that first hour in prayer (as much as I am able), praising Him, trying to remember His goodness in my life, recounting His nature and character. If I don’t go back to sleep (sometimes—well, often—this first time exercise is practiced in the middle of the night), I then get up and try to keep myself from running downstairs to finish a project, clean up the kitchen or read a book I may have started.

To read more, click HERE.

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