Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Perfect Match

Just as the spring of 2012 was one of the most beautiful Chicago has ever experienced—a quick burst of warmth that brought everything that blooms to full glory all at once, plenty of rain, plenty of sun so the greening earth also turned luxuriant, then cool but not freezing temperatures that kept every spring thing blooming for what seemed like weeks on end—it feels as though this is going to be a particularly beautiful fall.
The nights are cool, the days are warm but not hot, colorful maples dance in the sunlight, and somehow, in some way, it feels quintessentially fall. If you live somewhere without obvious seasonal changes, you may be wondering, Well, isn’t it that way every autumn?
No … no, it’s not. Last year’s fall was particularly dull. We kept going around wondering when it just would break all out into glory. It was not a year I would have invited friends to come to Chicago and to see the turning of the trees.
Every so often when I’m reading Scripture, the words in my Bible and the paths of my days intersect and there is a perfect match between the divine word and the ordinary world. I wrote this psalm out in my prayer journal—Psalm 65:9-13. My commentary on it was, “Lovely! Perfect harvest scripture.”

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